Pesquera South American Seafood en la región
Dirección: | Teléfono: |
Avenida Forestal 1101 | (41) 2791900 |
Avenida Forestal 1101 | (41) 2791900 |
Opiniones sobre Pesquera South American Seafood (1)

Hello, My name is Zhanna Khlystova, I'm purchasing manager in Lenmoreproduct/Morozko, we are one of the biggest importers in Russia. We are looking for new suppliers of frozen fish and seafood in Chile So our company in the person of the director mr. Andrey Martynov is going to visit Chile from 14th till 30th March. If you wish we can come to your plant too. See your products, get acquainted and probably conclude a contract. Please let us know if you're interested. Our company buys great amount of giant squid (2-3 containers per week) trout (4-5 containers per week), atlantic salmon (4-5 containers), coho salmon, hake and etc. We are only looking for long term business relationship. Looking forward to hearing from you soon Thanks in advance. Best regards, miss Zhanna Khlystova Lenmoreproduct llt skype: janny-hl +7 951 654 40 37